Outdoor Plants

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Spartan Juniper 15G

History & Origin
Care Instructions
Other Details
Description: Spartan Juniper (Juniperus chinensis 'Spartan') is an upright evergreen with dense, dark green foliage. It maintains a columnar form without pruning.
History & Origin: Developed as a cultivar of Chinese Juniper (Juniperus chinensis) in the mid-20th century. It was selected for its strong upright growth and cold hardiness. The parent species has been cultivated in China for thousands of years, often featured in traditional gardens and temple grounds.
Care Instructions:
Sunlight: Full sun.
Soil: Well-draining, adaptable.
Watering: Moderate; drought tolerant once established.
Fertilization: Light spring feeding.
Pruning: Minimal pruning needed.
Pests/Diseases: Watch for spider mites.
Other Details:
USDA Zones: 4-9
Temperature: -30°F to 100°F
Humidity: Adaptable.
Mature Size: 15-20 feet tall, 4-6 feet wide.
Growth Rate: Moderate.
Uses: Screening, formal gardens, vertical accent.
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Variegated Privet 3G

History & Origin
Care Instructions
Other Details
Description: Variegated Privet (Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum') is an evergreen shrub with green and cream variegated foliage, offering more ornamental appeal than standard privet.
History & Origin: A variegated sport of Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense), Variegated Privet was discovered and propagated in cultivation. The species originated in China and was introduced to Western gardens in the 1800s. The variegated form became popular during the Victorian era when variegated plants were highly prized.
Care Instructions:
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade.
Soil: Adaptable, well-draining.
Watering: Moderate.
Fertilization: Spring feeding.
Pruning: Regular pruning to maintain shape.
Pests/Diseases: Generally resistant.
Other Details:
USDA Zones: 7-11
Temperature: 5°F to 100°F
Humidity: Adaptable.
Mature Size: 6-12 feet tall and wide.
Growth Rate: Fast.
Uses: Hedges, screens, accent plant.
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Yaupon Holly Dwarf 3G

History & Origin
Care Instructions
Other Details
Description: Yaupon Holly Dwarf (Ilex vomitoria 'Nana') is a compact, mounding evergreen shrub with tiny, oval-shaped dark green leaves. It naturally forms a dense, rounded shape and is much smaller and more compact than the species, with a fine texture and tight branching pattern.
History & Origin: A naturally occurring dwarf form of the native Yaupon Holly, Yaupon Holly Dwarf was discovered in the wild and brought into cultivation in the early 20th century. The parent species has been used by Native Americans for centuries in ceremonial drinks and traditional medicine.
Care Instructions:
Sunlight: Full sun to partial shade.
Soil: Adaptable; prefers well-draining soil but tolerates most types.
Watering: Moderate when young; very drought-tolerant once established.
Fertilization: Light feeding in spring with balanced fertilizer.
Pruning: Minimal pruning needed; can be shaped if desired.
Pests/Diseases: Highly resistant to pests and diseases.
Other Details:
USDA Zones: 7-10
Temperature: 10°F to 100°F
Humidity: Adaptable to varying humidity levels.
Root System: Shallow to moderate, well-behaved root system.
Growth Rate: Slow to moderate.
Mature Size: 3-5 feet tall and wide.
Uses: Low hedges, foundation plantings, rock gardens, mass plantings.
Attracted Wildlife: Berries attract birds (on female plants).
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Yaupon Opra 15G

History & Origin
Care Instructions
Other Details
Description: Yaupon Holly 'Opra' (Ilex vomitoria 'Opra') is a distinctive upright, columnar form with dense branching and small, dark green leaves. It is more architectural in appearance than other yaupon varieties. This female cultivar produces bright red berries when pollinated.
History & Origin: Developed as part of modern breeding programs in the late 20th century, Yaupon Holly 'Opra' was selected specifically for its unique upright growth habit while maintaining the durability of the species.
Care Instructions:
Sunlight: Full sun to light shade.
Soil: Adaptable to most soil types; prefers well-draining soil.
Watering: Regular until established; drought-tolerant afterward.
Fertilization: Spring feeding with balanced fertilizer.
Pruning: Prune in late winter to maintain columnar shape.
Pests/Diseases: Generally pest and disease resistant.
Other Details:
USDA Zones: 7-10
Temperature: 5°F to 100°F
Humidity: High tolerance to varying humidity.
Root System: Moderate, well-contained root system.
Growth Rate: Moderate.
Mature Size: 8-10 feet tall, 4-6 feet wide.
Uses: Formal hedges, screens, vertical accents, containers.
Attracted Wildlife: Berries provide winter food for birds.
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